Do not believe everything you are told by others, here are some links to legal documents, opinions or documents we refer to on our website or by associated YouTube Channels.
We suggest that expats should read before investing in property or a business in the Philippines
Here are some links to other sites that have similar aims to our own
Many who have not been to the Philippines have asked “What Is A Multicab? “
A multicab is assembled in the Philippines with parts from used vehicles, usually from Japan. Due to the import laws of the Philippines, the vehicles are cut into pieces in japan and shipped to the Philippines in containers.
From what we have observed,
There is no guarantee that the same parts get matched up when they are reassembled.
The quality of the workmanship on reassembly at most times is somewhat questionable.
So why do people buy them? Well, Because they are plentiful and cheap.
So are they safe? Just have a look at one that has been in an accident, they dont fair well.
In summary, we certainly would not buy one.
How much do they cost ? A Great Youtuber from Cebu “A Village People Philippines” has an excelent video about Multcab Pricing and we have included a link below
There is no online database to show in the Philippine’s Bureau of Immigration website if you are on their blacklist, more often what happens is that when you arrive in the Philippine’s premise, the Immigration officer will do an assessment and check if your name is in their black list.
If you would like to double check if you are on the list prior your trip to Philippines you can contact the Visa Division (Telephone numbers: 834-4854, 834-3707, and 834-4810), Department of Foreign Affairs, 2330 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City or to any Philippine Embassy or Consulate abroad.