Dan Christensen
AKA Blind Owl Outdoors

Dan has gone quiet of late, there is rumors that he has some legal challenges that he has to deal with.
Dan is a 50 Plus American who lives in the Philippines by by a series of scams and hard luck stories via his Blind Owl Outdoors YouTube channel.
Along the lines of Terrence Martin (AKA A foreigner In The Philippines) he is alledgedly is a religious person and prays upon the poor
Here is an excerpt from one of his GoFundMe Accounts
Hi, my name is Dan Christensen, I’m from the U.S. but I live in the Philippines with my wife and daughter. I have been here well over a decade and have struggled to survive.
I’m the owner and creator of Blindowl Outdoors, a YouTube channel that helps me earn barely enough money to live on. Medical care is there most challenging. In the US, if you need care you can just get it regardless of your ability to pay.
Here in the Philippines you need the money up front and must bring your own medical supplies.
You be the Judge
Relatives can be challenging
Blind Owl Outdoors Vs Foreigner in The Philippines
Note: These are only video links and we have no control on if or when they are removed and apologise in advance if you can not acces them as as fast as we put them up as evidence, the scammers are delteting them from their Youtube channels