Do You Need Insurance In The Philippines?

As read out on YouTube by G D Mead

Do You Need Car Insurance In The Philippines?
Especially when driving in the mayhem of the Philippines, car insurance is essential. … Compulsory third party liability (CTPL) insurance is required for all vehicles, this is to ensure financial cover. Most of the time, you can buy your insurance at the Land Transportation Office (LTO) office in cash

When you register your car with the Land Transportation Office, you are required by law to get basic Compulsory Third Party Liability (CTPL) car insurance to protect against possible liabilities to third parties. According to the Insurance Code of the Philippines, a third party is defined as any person other than a passenger, family member, or household member of the vehicle owner.
In other words, CTPL protects pedestrians from potential damages or injuries that arise from the use of the insured car. This is compulsory and covers any bodily injuries or deaths caused for of up to P100,000. However, CTPL does not cover loss or damages to property, and is very limited in this regard.

What Paperwork Is Required In Getting Vehicle Insurance?
Once you have chosen the right insurance company for you the process begins. You will need the following requirements to apply for insurance.
Original Receipt (OR)
It shows that the vehicle’s registration has already been paid for by your dealership that you purchased the unit from or has been previously registered by the prior owner. Make sure to also have at least a photocopy and a digital copy of the latest OR on hand for later use.

Certificate of Registration (CR)
This document shows that your vehicle has been registered in the Philippines and that you are the owner. If your vehicle was purchased second hand it is highly recommended that you change the ownership details to yours.

Driving License
The Driver’s license will act as one of the primary ways to identify you when it comes time to submit insurance documents. It also proves that you are able to drive a vehicle.

Government ID
This acts as another means of identifying you when it comes to processing the required documents. You can use any sort of ID so long as it comes from the Philippine government.
Examples of such are as follows: Passport, SSS ID, Postal ID, Driver’s license, Voter’s ID, TIN, etc.
It is important to note that some companies may ask you for a physical copy of these documents so have them ready to make your application process move smoothly.

Now Let’s Look At One Of Brian’s Videos
Let’s Just Play You This 5 Second Clip From Brian’s Video So You Can Hear It For Yourself
Our Monthly Living Expenses Bohol, Philippines, 11th October 2018, Timestamp 10.00

“I will tell you the things we don’t have, We don’t have car insurance. I don’t have health insurance, but Maricel does have health insurance”.

Just listen to that again!!
We don’t have vehicle or health insurance
This video was published on 11th October 2018, Exactly 90 days AFTER Brian Smith was supposed to exchange his American Drivers Licence into a Philippine Driver Licence

Brian Smith By His OWN admission had been driving WITHOUT The Legally Required Vehicle Insurance For More Than 3 Months
Now The Question Is?
Is This The Person You Want To Be Listening To About “How To Get Licences And Permits” In The Philippines?
Is This The Person You Should Be Taking Advice From About Moving To The Philippines To Retire Or Start A Business?

The second question is?
It’s Now August 2021, Nearly 3 Years AFTER That Video Was Made
Does He Have Insurance On The 2 Vehicles He Currently Owns?
Sorry, Maricel Owns

Please Contact The Local LTO And Make A General Inquiry Into Whether Brian Smith Of MB Piggery, Tanghalique, Talibon
Has any form of current valid vehicle Insurance as you have just watched a video of Brian Smith stating that he does not have any valid vehicle insurance and you are concerned for other road users and the example he is setting to other foreigners wishing to move to Bohol

Talibon Extension Office
Erwin C. Patalingjug

Please also show them the video and state the remarks on the video is at the 10 minute timeframe