About Us


There are many issues about expats inthe Philippines, these are mainly spread over many YouTube Channels.
Our aim here at Expats Forums, is to give a One Stop place where anyone interested can access the opinions of the many YouTube Channels without searching for them individually.

This site, as its URL (Expats Forums) suggests, was originally set up as Forum Site.
After the untimely death of the original owner, a group of us decided to carry on the
However,With the changing face of social media, saw a lot of the members move to
Facebook and similar media.
We therefore decided to close the Forum a few years ago and domain name has been
in hibernation since then.

As the Domain Name was paid up for several years and we become interested in
the reporting and exposing of so many expats, Mainly with YouTube channels,
defrauding their viewers and making a substantial living by ebegging.
We have therefore decided to use this site to bring all these into one central
point, but what started with just 3 expats has now grown to what it is today.
We are aware that it is not the most fancy of websites, but website design is not
our main aim, rather our focus is on content.

The founding owners* of Expats Forums were expats from Canada, Ireland
and Australia and have a combined excess of over 100 years’ experience either
visiting or living in the Philippines, with all now retired and living in the Philippines. 
All resided at least six months of the year and have family in the Philippines.
The driving force and backbone of this site (Ken Thomson) passed away in 2021.
Currently the ownership and future is being decided, in the meantime we are keeping it open for now, pending a suitable outcome.

This Expats Forums site is fully funded by its owners own resources. 
This site is free and under the current ownership, always will be.
We do not ask for or accept donations, nor do we charge any fees.
To this end, we do not have a Patreon, PayPal, Western Union or even a Bank
Account associated with it.

This Expats Forums website is registered in New York City, and fully complies with the relevant laws of the USA and other local privacy regulations. 
This site is hosted in Singapore.
As we are not located within Europe or sell subscriptions or goods within that region. We do not seek to or comply with the GDPR. 

We are in no way connected to or associated with the YouTube Channel of a very similar name, being “Expats Forum Philippines”. which was recently created, Whereas we have had this URL since 2009.
The responsibility for the content of the videos featured on this site is that of the creators and not the owners of Expats Forums.
There are several YouTube Channels that are carrying our branding,
We do not own these channels or have influence on them.
But we do give them a platform to posts any documents for them,

The Content:

We welcome input from anyone that can give us more information on the current list or give us information on new ones to add.
Due to huge response that we have had recently, we have had to put many nominated persons on the back burner, such is the amount of expats behaving badly in the Philippines.
But you can be assured that when the time and manpower become available, we at expats forums with get back to them. 

We have also included pages and links to a few others who are also trying to bring the actions of these undesirable people to their viewers and general public.

We acknowledge the ownership of some videos and text is not our own and belongs to the creators and for this we give a big thank you.

If you appear here and do not agree with what we have published, then, by all means contact us with proof that we are wrong and we shall gladly remove it or publish your version of events alongside ours so that the viewers can make up their own minds.
But please do not bother to ask us to delete or change any published contentwithout any evidence to the contrary.
We can not be fairer than that.

We would also add that All information on this website, is available in the Public domain, You just have to look for it, we have saved you the trouble of searching.

Apologies in advance for spelling or errors in grammar. English is not that the first language of our webmaster and while he tries his best, sometimes things are lost in translation.
Should you find any issues in this regard, we would appreciate a polite email point these out to us.

Contact Us: 
Email: Expatsforums1@gmail.com
Want to send us a video? send it via www.wetransfer.com

Associates :
We do not own, but have an association with the “Vloggers in The Philippines
Group” and host their information page on this site.

We only provide access only and are not responsible for the contents of it.
This can be accessed from the link in the footer of this page

Our motto is “You Be The Judge

Much of our content is located elsewhere on the internet and viewers should refer to our “Links
” for further information on this.
This can be accessed from the link in the footer of this page 


Our award is the prestigious “Wayne Kerr Award” however it has had so many candidates that it never actually was awarded to anyone so is in “Recess” – Perhaps we will look at this again soon. 


This site uses the WordPress
platform and is best viewed on a desktop and using a chrome browser. As and when time permits, we shall Endeavor to make it more compatible with Tablets and Mobile devices. 

 What is our Conclusion:

We strongly advise that you do not sent and money or goods to any YouTubers, no matter how good or heart jerking their story is.

We hope that the information here, helps you make up your own mind on these people


The Expats  Team


We have recently been visted by the Grammar Police –  We hope we now comply -Thank You  Sam Smith