BIR Email of Interest
The BIR have advised that complaints should be addressed in the following matter.

Thank you for communicating with the BIR – Customer Assistance Division.
To report a complaint on establishment(s) which is not legally registered in the BIR, and to facilitate immediate processing and evaluation, you can directly send your complaint to eComplaint R.AT.E. by accomplishing the R.AT.E. Complaint Form. The following information is needed so that initial investigations can be done by the concerned division/office.
Name of the complainant
Contact number of the complainant
Email address of the complainant
Exact name of the taxpayer / establishment you want to complain
Exact address of the taxpayer / establishment being complained about
For RAT.E Complaint Form, we refer you to below URL: https:l/
For other inquiries, you may visit our website at to keep track of revenue issuances relative to your concerns or you may opt to give us a call at (02) 8538-3200
We appreciate your understanding and continued support.
Yours sincerely,
The BIR Customer Assistance Division
Please be reminded of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173) and National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) Section 270 in handling/processing of BIR data and information,
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