BIR files P6.1-B tax evasion charges

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) filed simultaneously before the prosecutors’ offices nationwide tax evasion charges involving P6.1 billion against 214 corporate officers and 127 companies.

Mayors Response to GD Mead

We have been forwarded a copy of an email from the Secretary of the Mayor of Talibons office to GD Mead about the investigation of alledged illegal activites on Bohol, Philippines Click On Image to View

DENR Inital Response to GD Mead

 We have been forwarded a copy of some intial correspondence from the DENR about the investigation of alledged illegal activites on Bohol, Philippinese

Jimbo 360 BANNED 

The Team here at Expats Forums have made a decission to BAN all Jimbo 360 information from our site.The reason is that while we initally supported his work, of late he has been producing so many half truths or even absolute false information. Things he has been saying as facts were just assumptions.We do not […]

Foreigner in Road Rage in Manila

Here is a video of a road rage incident between a Foreigner and a Manila based bus. Such was the violence, A wndow in the bus was broken. We trust that this foreigner gets caught and justice prevails Please support the Owner of this video and watch it on YouTube

What Started the Smith v Mead Feud?

Please note that this is reprinted from a previous article With the current and ongoing situation, we though it opertune to reproduce it again After watching many of Brian Smiths’ and Geoff Mead’s YouTube Videos, I noticed that there have been many people asking,  “What Started all this?” I shall try to address this question […]

Mead Vs Smith

What started it all We noticed that there have been many people asking,  “What Started all this?” This has been mentioned in the past but we thought it would be a good idea to revisit again. We shall try to address this question here. Click here For More

Mead – Queensland Police Email

[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] Fwd: QPS phone interaction Inbox G.D MEAD 1:40 AM (1 hour ago) to me  ———- Forwarded message ——— From: Xxxxxx,Xxxxxxx <Xxxxxx,> Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 9:14 PM Subject: QPS phone interaction To: <> Good evening Geoffrey, Thanks for your call tonight. I can confirm that there are no outstanding matters that Queensland Police […]