New Channel Censoring Comments?
YouTube Name: Exposing Expat Scammers Philippines We have received several emails advising us that the new channel “Exposing Expat Scammers Philippines” is censoring comments as they are not appearing. They have come to as asking this as this channel does not have any contact details published. Which we think is a strange way of operating, but […]
Have a Laugh – Jason Suitor
YouTube Name: Grinding Coconuts It is well known that the other stakeholder with Brian Smith (aka Boss Hogg) in the failed Milk Fish venture was Jason Suitor.This project was funded by a sizable loan from Jasons father. Please go to the Gringing Coconuts YouTube channel for more laughs about the characters in the Bohovol Saga […]
[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name: Exposing Expat Scammers Philippines In response to a video posted by that new channel, Exposing Expat Scammers Philippines. I have tried several times to respond to this video on YouTube, but my comments always gets deleted. Even though they replied to it and their reply was still there (at […]
New Channel Announced
[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name: Exposing Scammers And E Beggars – Philippines Return ExpatsForums wishes to advise you that, articles, Media, videos etc are the property of the creator and we thank them for their contribution and as we always say. YOU BE THE JUDGE