Why Did We Make The Offer?

For those that are questioning our motives of our offer to Geoff Mead. If you care to read our About Us page, you will see plain and clear that we are fully funded and have no need of any money. Adsense or otherwise. We would have thought that the reason we made this offer was […]

Mead Adsense Payout Offer

We have had some dealings with Geoff that until now we have kept between us.However his recent out burst against us has prompted us to let all know what actually happened. To say that the GD Mead attack on us is disapointing would be an understatement.As suggested by some commentors on his “Money, Money, Money […]

Mead Adsense Update

[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name:A Foreigner Telling Truth in Philippines   https://youtu.be/LSHICrtteUI This video was posted on 26th October 2021 – Time timestamp date from the video camera is incorrectly set. This is a copy and paste of the comment that we placed on that Youtube Video.It appears that it has been deleated but here […]