Response to The Gary Martin Show From Village People Philippines

YouTube Name: Village People Philippines Response to The Gary Martin Show in The Philippines video titled: “@Village People Philippines How Do You Feel About Sexpats”   Dear Expats Forums. Response to The Gary Martin Show in The Philippines video titled: “@Village People Philippines How Do You Feel About Sexpats” Since past experience has taught me that any […]

A New Kid On The Block

[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name: Foreigners Busted in the Philippines It appears that more and more people are getting tired of Gary Lanard Martin and his racist ravings.What does it take for YouTube to get off their fat ass’s and do something? ExpatsForums wishes to advise you that, articles, Media, videos etc are the property […]

Warning All, We Have A New Troll On The Block

[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name: Impacto ang Aswang Sadly we have to report that there is another new troll on YouTube Spreading hate and lies to all that will listen to him.Perhaps we shouldn’t call him a new Troll but an Old Troll with a New YouTube name.The One and only Racist Vlogger “GARY […]

KongKing Outsmarted and Outplayed by a Filipina

[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name: Village People Philippines ExpatsForums wishes to advise you that, articles, Media, videos etc are the property of the creator and we thank them for their contribution and as we always say. YOU BE THE JUDGE

Attacked for doing things correctly

[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”1″] YouTube Name: Defeating Poverty Here we have perhaps the only Vlogger in the Philippines that is doing things the correct and legal way, only to be attacked by a troll by the name of Gary Lanard Martin from the USA. He goes under various channel names including KongKing in the Philippines, […]