Jimbo 360 BANNED
The Team here at Expats Forums have made a decission to BAN all Jimbo 360 information from our site.The reason is that while we initally supported his work, of late he has been producing so many half truths or even absolute false information. Things he has been saying as facts were just assumptions.We do not […]
Mead Charity Work (Updated)
YouTube Name: A Foreigner Telling Truth In Philippines We have now established dialogue with members of Uniting.org and we have agreed to hide this post pending their investigation which may take some time as the said email is 12 months old. We are now waiting for them to get back to us We have received a copy […]
BIR Receipt for Funds Sent by GD Mead
[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name: A Foreigner Telling Truth Philippines Below is an email and copy of the official BIR receipt issued to Geoff Mead on behalf of the suppoters of his YouTube Channel, “A Foreigner Telling Truth Philippines” by the registered Charity “Defeating Poverty Trhough Oppertunity Inc” which is operated by Village People […]
GD Mead Donation Acknowledgement from PayPal
YouTube Name: A Foreigner Telling Truth In Philippines Below is the PayPal acknowledgement of the payment made to the Village People Philippines Charity “Defeating Poverty Through Oppertunity Incorporated” ExpatsForums wishes to advise you that, articles, Media, videos etc are the property of the creator and we thank them for their contribution and as we always say. YOU […]
Village People Philippines – Rebuilding After Typhoon
YouTube Name: Village People Philippines and their Charity “Defeating Poverty” This is what proper and legal charites do, Just take charge and get the support where it is needed. Unlike many Vloggers who pretend to to be charities but just help themselves. Please support the Village People Philippines charity “Defeating Poverty” Please note that this is a […]
Mead $500 Donation Receipt
[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name: A foreignerTelling Truth In Philippines On December 15th 2021 G D Mead received a donation of AUD500 and has asked us to show the receipt here.
Managing A Charity Corporation In The Philippines.
[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] YouTube Name: Defeating Poverty This is a very informative informational video, which covers legal requirements to operate a charity in the Philippines. We would be interested in seeing similar documentation from other so called charities. It is worth noting here that many of these requirements are also the same for businesess […]
Response to The Gary Martin Show From Village People Philippines
YouTube Name: Village People Philippines Response to The Gary Martin Show in The Philippines video titled: “@Village People Philippines How Do You Feel About Sexpats” Dear Expats Forums. Response to The Gary Martin Show in The Philippines video titled: “@Village People Philippines How Do You Feel About Sexpats” Since past experience has taught me that any […]
The New Normal
By A Village People Philippines This video puts some light on the reality of the effects that Covid-19 has had on business in the Philippines. This is not only happening here in the Philippines but throughout the world. It will be many years, if ever that we will know life as the old Normal
Village People Philippines Charity Update
[pvc_stats postid=”” increase=”1″ show_views_today=”0″] Defeating Poverty Through Opportunity Incorporated The Village People Philippines have advised us of the separation of themselves and the Charity.There is now a separate Legal Entity Called “Defeating Poverty Through Opportunity Incorporated “For further informationWeb: www.defeatingpoverty.comEmail: defeatingpovertyph@gmail.com Social: Youtube Click Logo To Go To Their Website Defeating Poverty Through Opportunity Inc, have produced […]